Scroll down to see the variety of pencil drawings made by the artists in 8th grade. These artists worked from photographs that they took or from photographs provided by their teacher. They used 2B, 4B, and 6B drawing pencils; tortillons or blending stumps; and erasers to create their pieces. These artists also learned how to create grids on their photographs and paper to help compose their images on a larger scale. These drawings range from about 6" x 18" to 18" x 24" in size.

Aleecia Day. 2018.

Leia Fagan. 2018.

Kaine Frieling. 2017.

Colton Haresnape. 2018.

Mason Hunter. 2017.

Nathan Jaeger. 2018.

Jacob Kirchhoff. 2017.

Hannah Lange. 2018.

Taylor Lapaille. 2017.

Nolan Lehmann. 2018.

Ashlyn Long. 2017.

Oona Long. 2018.

Allyiah McCartney. 2017.

Lydia McDowell. 2018.

Tyce McKenzie. 2017.

Alese Meyer. 2018.

Amber Morgan. 2017.

Maggie Peterson. 2017.

Ethan Ratliff. 2018.

Tallon Rentschler. 2017.

Jolan Richardson. 2017.

Abi Schlatter. 2017.

Mary Shaffer. 2018.