Scroll down to see the ancient Greek forms created by the artists in 8th grade using the coil technique. These artists used a red earthenware clay to build there forms. They then brushed a jet black engobe onto the surface of their forms and scratched away a design (images or patterns). The technique of scratching away the engobe to reveal the red clay underneath is called sgraffito. The forms were then fired in the kiln (the bisque firing). The artists covered their pieces with a clear transparent glaze, and the forms were fired a second time (the glaze firing).

Camdan Dannenberg. 2018.

Aleecia Day. 2018.

Leia Fagan. 2018.

Kaine Frieling. 2017.

Colton Haresnape. 2018.

Mason Hunter. 2017.

Caden Jacobs. 2017.

Nathan Jaeger. 2018.

Jacob Kirchhoff. 2017.

Hannah Lange. 2018.

Taylor Lapaille. 2017.

Nolan Lehmann. 2018.

Jessica Leslie. 2018.

Ashlyn Long. 2017.

Oona Long. 2018.

Allyiah McCartney. 2017.

Lydia McDowell. 2018.

Tyce McKenzie. 2017.

Alese Meyer. 2018.

Amber Morgan. 2017.

Maggie Peterson. 2017.

Ethan Ratliff. 2018.

Tallon Rentschler. 2017.

Jolan Richardson. 2017.

Abi Schlatter. 2017.

Mary Shaffer. 2018.

Braydon Shellito. 2018.

Landon Shellito. 2018.

Brenik Spiess. 2017.

James Stalnaker. 2018.

Owen Wagner. 2018.

Spencer Wiehl. 2017.

Andrew Wilkinson. 2018.

Seth Zabel. 2017.