8th Grade Tool Drawings

For these pieces, the 8th Grade artists drew a tool from real life and then added lines, words, and other objects to their drawings in order to create graphic design images intended to grab viewers' attentions and to get their audience to think about those tools. Scroll down to see what these artists created using drawing pencils, tortillons, and kneaded erasers.

Parker Attwood. 2022.

Blake Bennett. 2022.

Bracksten Carr. 2022.

Haley Conaway. 2021.

Brady Desbien. 2021.

Emma Howland. 2021.

Kristopher Jacobs. 2022.

Joy Kelley. 2021.

Phillip LeVan. 2022.

Lizabeth Marlow-Englehardt. 2021.

Nevaeh McKenzie. 2021.

Jerrica Ochoa. 2021.

Nate Phy. 2021.

Emily Pruden. 2022.

Aurora Rego. 2022.

Nevaeh Rohan. 2022.

Brody Sadler. 2021.

Madisyn Sasse. 2021.

Wyatt Shaffer. 2022.