Surreal Drawings

Scroll down to view the variety of Surrealistic worlds created by the 7th grade artists using pencil and colored pencil.

Kaydyne Armknecht. 2022.

Micah Fagan. 2021.

Kaley Frydendall. 2021.

Mikkel Frydendall. 2022.

Kayley Geaslin. 2021.

Jasmine Gordon-Stone. 2022.

Riley Griffin Powers. 2021.

Honey Henderson. 2022.

Felicity Herredsberg. 2021.

Kacee Herredsberg. 2021.

Madi Howland. 2021.

Kayln Ifland. 2021.

Micheal Jorgensen. 2022.

Dominick Kattenberg. 2021.

Cole Kirchhoff. 2022.

Alexis Koelsch. 2021.

Sadie LaDow. 2021.

Taryn Martin. 2021.

Kutter McDowell. 2021.

Eli Murphy. 2022.

Zoey Nixon. 2022.

Khloe Padilla. 2022.

Paxton Parsons. 2022.

Isaac Stansbury. 2022.

Rylee Stewart. 2021.

Calob Troy. 2022.

Korey Weltmer. 2022.