Tool Drawings
For this drawing, these young artists developed their own designs for a graphic design image that advertises a tool. Each artist drew the tool from real life, focusing on dimensions, details, and shading to make it as realistic as they could. They then brainstormed ideas for objects, words, and lines to incorporate into their compositions for their drawings. As they developed their pieces, they focused on positive and negative space, balance, and on creating a focal point. Their goal was to create an image that grabs a viewers' attention, draws the viewer in to study the details, and causes the viewer to think more about the tool that they are observing.
Serrena Armknecht. 2020.
Grayson Befort. 2020.
Quinn Coles. 2021.
Landon Erickson. 2021.
Josiah Fagan. 2020.
Kenya Godsey. 2020.
Addison Green-Russell. 2020.
Breeley Martin. 2020.
Samara McKenzie. 2021.
Maddix Peterson. 2020.
Brianna Pexton. 2021.
Tyler Quinn. 2021.